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写真:Dismantling the Dividing Walls

Dismantling the Dividing Walls
Working for Peace in Asia -Waseda University Peace Seminar-

Kano Sadahiko (Editor)

12.8×18.8cm 232ページ

List price:2,000 yen+tax (Available from June, 2013)


Honya Club


In the 21st century, wars between nations have been replaced by intra-state conflicts or hostilities involving groups of various types across national borders, reflecting advances in transportation and communications.

Waseda University Peace Seminar invited speakers active in working for peace in a range of fields to use their personal experiences to discuss how to dismantle the “dividing walls” between people that still lead to conflict today. Themes addressed in the lectures collected here include the roles of volunteer activities, the Constitution of Japan, human security, the mass media, and peace of mind in the individual.

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早大「平和学」ゼミの熱気を英語で! アジアの友人たちとどうつきあうか? 憲法をどう活かすか? 異文化理解・英語学習・副読本に最適。高校・大学・一般社会人,そして異国の友人に。

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A fascinating book that analyzes the impact of the Internet on world peace and also discusses the united efforts of mayors from over 5,000 cities around the world to abolish nuclear weapons.
-- Akiba Tadatoshi, former Mayor of Hiroshima and former President of Mayors for Peace



1. Peace and Global Info-Communication: Dismantling the Dividing Walls by Kano Sadahiko
- Introduction
- End of the han system and the Sword Abolishment Edict
- Transportation and communications: Meiji Restoration era and today
- A vision for Japan’s international mission
- Finding peace in one’s own mind and making peace among people
- How to dismantle or overcome dividing walls
- What each of us can do
- Mayors for Peace: An attempt to lower dividing walls
- On Peace Studies
- Student comments

2. Changing Direction for Peace: From Carrying Grudges to Making Amends by Homma Masaru
- Introduction
- The origin of my grudges
- Carrying a grudge
- Working with Dr. Hirose Makoto
- Conclusion
- Student comments

3. Peace-building through Student Volunteer Activities: Discussions Often End Up in Disputes, But Working Together Brings Peace by Ishido Mitsuru
- Big stories and small stories
- How do we build relationships with others?
- Discussions often end up in disputes, but working together brings peace
- Cultivating sensitivity and wisdom
- Student comments

4. The Constitution of Japan and Peace: Constructing the Defences of Peace in Our Minds by Fujisue Kenzo
- Introduction
- Discussing peace in the Japanese Diet
- Assisting Afghanistan
- Lesson from the Lugouqiao Incident
- The Constitution and the Self-Defense Forces
- Peace through katsuken (implementing the principles of the Constitution)
- Conclusion: “Constructing the defences of peace in our minds”
- Student comments

5. A Nonpolar World and Peace in the 21st Century by Nomura Akio
- President Obama’s Nobel lecture
- From state-centered to human-centered
- Paradigm shift
- A collaborative future for mankind
- Student comments

6. Standing Up Against Structural Violence by Yamakawa Yuriko
- What peace means to me
- International cooperation in East Timor
- Efforts by international NGOs in Sorong, Indonesia
- My political endeavors as an assemblywoman
- Fighting structural violence around you
- Student questions
- Student comments

7. My Activities for Minority People in China as a Member of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers by Liu Yatabe Haruko
- Introduction
- Becoming a member of JOCV
- The Road to Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
- Getting past the wall I had against Uighurs
- Student questions
- Student comments

8. Mass Media and the Dividing Wall: Growing Exchanges of Popular Culture between Japan and South Korea by Jeon Yonggyun Stefan
- Japan and South Korea: Popular culture and changesin national sentiment
- Mutual perceptions
- The role of popular culture and its impact on country image
- The role of the mass media
- Conclusion
- Student comments

